Friday, December 3, 2010

Hello Animals!!! & Hello Snow!!!!!

There are tents in the plaza. Guess what is in one of the tents?! Animals!!!!!! I saw... 1 donkey, 2 goats, 1dog, 1fatty pig, at least 1sheep, 2 geese, & tons & tons & tons & tons & tons of hay!!
We played in snow!!!! For the first time!!!!! We showed the ladies cheese shop our snow balls!!

Aletheia Kate Spangler

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Town

This is my town. I have a toy store nearby. I have cranes across the street and a park close by. We love our house! At least I do. There is a tour train. The clock is close to the train. We get there by going through the alley. Thats my town!

Written by
A.K. Spangler

Monday, July 19, 2010

At home with fun!

Zoe Baby!

Sarah A, and my brothers have make-up on. Micah is a clown. Caleb is a presenter. Sarah is a producer and I am a photographer!

Mommie's Homemade yummy smoothie yogurt.

I caught daddy reading a Runners World magazine. I had a great time at my home. I hope everyone does.

Lego Jet-pack

I made this really cool jet pack girl. She's really awesome! I defeated her now. I like crushed her all up so she's gone.

Pennsylvania Fun

My cousin holding a soda bottle.

Micah in an airplane.
Me in an airplane.

The old barn

Zoe and Caleb

It's Aunt Lena's casserole recipe.

Safari tour bus

I had a good time in PA. It was really fun. It was really great to be with my uncle and aunt because we had a lot of fun. We ate Life for breakfast every morning.